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OrthoChrome Documents

Parameter Settings and Task list management

  • An OC document is a collection of 'Task' objects. Documents can be written to files with the extension 'OcDoc'.
  • An OC task contains data including an array of images (bitmaps).
    Tools can be applied to modify and complete the task data.

The task list allows to manage the document, to add, remove, reposition, rename task data.
Entire document or single task data can be copied and pasted, or saved and load to/from disk.
The example below shows the elements of list entries.

Task Types

Bitmap comparison Compares and two bitmaps - a reference image and a registered client image are compared using veriaty of comparison maps. The client registration can be optimized to improve the comparsion results.

Bitmap 2D/3D Comparison Tool
Bitmap Editor Tool

Reference image (e.g. measured dose map), held at fixed position with left upper corner at coordinate origin.
Client image (e.g. treatment plan), is registred with respect to reference image.
Image may or may Not have 3D bitcube attached. If available, client positioning inside the 3D bitcube can be optimized.
Comparison map with comparison results. Image is read only.
Image array Holds any number of bitmaps that can be edited, copy or pasted to or from other tasks. No other functionality.

Bitmap Editor Tool

Image with or without attached 3D bitcube data.

Document Management

Document management context menu.

New Document Creates a new (empty) document.
Current document is discarded. If the current document includes changed data a 'Save Document' dialog will be displayed.
Save Document Saves document to disk - file extension is 'OcDoc' (see also file types).
'Save Document' dialog will be displayed.
Load Document Loads document from disk - file extension is 'OcDoc' (see also file types).
Recent Document OC keeps list of recently saved document files, those documents can be quickly reloaded.
Copy Document Copies document to Windows clipboard. This allows having the same documents in multiple instances of OC without saving document to disk.
Note: This can be a very memory intense action, especially when images with attached 3D bitcube data are used.
Paste Document Pastes document from Windows clipboard.
If current document includes changed data, 'Save Document' dialog will be displayed.

Task Management

Task management context menu. Right click the icon of a specific task for addional options as shown at right.

Add new Task Adds a new task to the document, task type can be selected from list.
Delete Task Deletes selected task from document.
Save Task Saves task data to disk - file extension is 'OcTask' (see also file types).
'Save Task dialog will be displayed.
Load Task Loads task data from disk - file extension is 'OcTask' (see also file types).
Recent Task OC keeps list of recently saved task files, those data can be quickly reloaded.
Copy Document Copies task data to Windows clipboard. This allows to doublicate or copy the task data without saving task file to disk.
Note: This can be a very memory intense action, especially when images with attached 3D bitcube data are used.
Paste Document Pastes task data from Windows clipboard and appends document.
Move position Changes list position of selected task.