Step by step instructions and Task list management
Purpose: Create a document with comparison task and save the document.
Document with comparison task
1. Add 'Image comparison' task to the document - right click task list as shown below and select 'Load bitmap'.
2. Load client (dose map) image - right click client icon as shown below.
File name: 'Example Comparison Client (dose map).tif'.
3. Load reference (plan) image - right click reference icon
and select 'Load Bitmap'. File name: 'Example Comparison Reference (plan).tif'.
4. Select 'Image comparison' tool - use tool selector underneath task list Or right click task list as shown below.
The OC screen should look now as shown below -
Cyan colored areas present the reference image data (dose map) and the Red colored areas the client image (plan).
5. To write the document data to disk, right click the task list area and select 'Save Document' as shown below.
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